What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Louisiana?

What Medicaid Waiver Programs are in Louisiana? There are several Medicaid waiver programs in Louisiana.

  • Community Choices Waiver (Replaces the Elderly and Disabled Adult Waiver);
  • Adult Day Health Care;- OAAS;
  • Residential Options Waiver;-OCDD;
  • Community Choices;-OAAS;
  • Children's Choices;-OCDD;
  • Supports Waiver;-OCDD;
  • New Opportunities Waiver;-OCDD;
  • Coordinated System of Care SED Children-Office of Behavioral Health (OBH -department within DHH )

What state department manages the Medicaid waiver program for elderly adults in Louisiana? The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) administers the Community Choices Waiver. The Community Choices Waiver Program provides services in the home and in the community to elders or adults with disabilities who qualify.

What programs assist older adults? The Community Choices Waiver Program provides services in the home and in the community to elders or adults with disabilities who qualify.

What is the best number to call to get started? To add your name to the Community Choices Waiver Request for Services Registry or if you have questions, call the Louisiana Options in Long Term Care Help Line at 1-877-456-1146 (TDD: 1-877-544-9544), Monday- Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The call is free!

Is there a website? www.dhh.louisiana.gov

Who Qualifies For Assistance?

Who qualifies for the Community Choices Waiver in Louisiana?
The Department keeps a Community Choices Waiver Request for Services Registry (RFSR) (waiting list) of people who have asked for these services, along with the date of the request. Persons are offered the Community Choices Waiver according to the following priority groups:
(1) People with abuse or neglect referred by Adult Protective Services (APS) or Elderly Protective Services (EPS) who, without Community Choices Waiver services, would need institutional placement to prevent further abuse and neglect.
(2) People diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
(3) People who are residing in a State of Louisiana Permanent Supportive Housing unit or who are linked for the State of Louisiana Permanent Supportive Housing selection process.
(4) People residing in a Louisiana nursing facility if they have been approved for a stay of more than 90 days.
(5) People who are not presently receiving home and community based services under another approved Medicaid Waiver program, including, but not limited to, the Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Waiver, New Opportunities Waiver (NOW), Supports Waiver, or Residential Options Waiver.

Everyone else will get an offer for services on a first-come-first-serve basis by date of request. Community Choices Waiver expedited opportunities may also be given to qualified Long Term-Personal Care Services (LT-PCS) participants.

Are there income limits to receive services in Louisiana? Yes, you need to meet the same income guidelines as Medicaid to get Medicaid waiver services in Louisiana, but Louisiana DHH/OCDD offers other services besides Medicaid waivers.

The income limits are $2,199 for an individual and $4,398 for a couple (when both spouses need long-term care). Single people can have no more than $2,000 in resources. Couples can have no more than $3,000 in resources (when both spouses receive long-term care). Married couples can have up to $119,220.00 in resources, as long as one spouse at home does not receive long-term care services. When we count resources for this program, we do not count the person’s home, the car they drive to medical appointments, or other basic resources.

How old do you have to be to start receiving Community Choices Waiver services in Louisiana? You can get on the Community Choices Waiver as early 21 years old or older if you Meet Nursing Facility Level of Care.

Is There a Waiting List For Services?

Is there a waiting list for the elderly waiver in Louisiana? Yes. The Department keeps a Community Choices Waiver Request for Services Registry (RFSR) (waiting list) of people who have asked for these services, along with the date of the request. There are about 27,238 people on waiting list for aged & disabled waiver

What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?

What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer in Louisiana? Services offered vary by waiver.

  • Support Coordination (also known as case management)
  • Transition Intensive Support Coordination (provided to people moving out of nursing homes)
  • Transition Services (provided to people moving out of nursing homes)
  • Personal Assistance Services (supervision or assistance with basic self-care activities or tasks such as dressing, bathing, preparing meals and so forth. Though usually provided one-on-one, personal assistance may be provided by one worker for up to 3 waiver participants who live together and who use the same direct service provider.)
  • Adult Day Health Care Service (health/medical and social services provided in a community-based center)
  • Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (home modifications to aid in self-care)
  • Assistive Devices and Medical Supplies
  • Skilled Maintenance Therapy Services (Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies)
  • Nursing Services Home Delivered Meal Services
  • Caregiver Temporary Support Services (respite care for family caregivers)
How Do You Select A Provider?

Do med waiver providers work for the state in Louisiana? No, Medicaid waiver providers are privately owned companies.

About how many waiver providers are there in Louisiana? There are about 300 med waiver provider agencies in Louisiana.

Do you have a choice in providers in Louisiana? Yes, you select the provider you want to work with in Louisiana.

How Do You Become A Provider?

In order to enroll in any Medicaid waiver, the provider must first have a current license from the state (DHH). A licensing fee is required in order to obtain and maintain the license. The license allows the provider to proceed with a provider enrollment application. If the license closes for any reason, Medicaid participation also terminates. To become a med waiver provider in Louisiana, call (225) 216-6370.

Additional Information

The Children's Choice Waiver offers supplemental support to children through age 18 who currently live at home with their families or with a foster family. The New Opportunities Waiver assists people age 3 and older to live in their communities. The Supports Waiver offers focused, individualized vocational services to people age 18 and older. The Residential Options Waiver offers people of all ages services designed to support them to move from ICFs/DD and nursing facilities to community based settings.

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